I really liked this book. Lately I've been in the mood for stories that are sweet and not overly complicated or angsty, and The Blinding Light definitely fits the bill.
The thing that made me give it half a star less happened at around 90% -
- that was a little out there even for me - but on the whole I really liked the book and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
More of the same issues I had with previous books.
- It was too long because of unnecessary descriptions. Because of the interchangeable use of names and surnames of new characters, half the time I couldn't figure out what's going on.
- The relationship between the 2 MCs was all sex no substance. I think they had one good talk in the entire book.
- I'm sorry everyone, but the dirty talk was repetitive and the sex scenes put me to sleep. I skimmed most of them.
- The kidnapping was a lazy way to make Adam finally give up his resistance to the relationship.
And as someone who has tortured himself with guilt over the course of several years, he was "healed" too easily. It was too close to magical dick syndrome for my taste.
On the bright side, the military jargon wasn't as bad as in the first book, and I did enjoy the first 20%.
I wanted to rate it 4 stars, I really did, but it just wouldn't be fair to the rest of the books in the series.
This book was mostly okay, but had some seriously boring parts - it took me a week and a half to finish it! As it has already been said, if you're writing all action with no contrast, it's all gonna blend into one big mush of boring.
On the bright side, I'm glad they got their happy ending, and I have an urge to re-read the series :)
I really didn't think I'd like this book, I started it only for a challenge. But in the end I'm really glad I did.
The first part of the book was, in my honest opinion, a bit boring. I didn't like Matty, I found him shallow and annoying. Rob was okay I guess, but there wasn't enough of him. The pace of the story was slow and I couldn't see it going anywhere. The writing was good, but it wasn't enough. I was on the verge of dropping this book in favour of something I actually wanted to read.
But then, somewhere between 35 and 40%, the pace picked up a bit, Matty became even likeable (by the end of the book I was in love) and I couldn't put the book down.
I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it was that the pace really picked up, and maybe I was just in a mood more suited for this book. But whatever it was, I'm really glad it happened. I'm looking forward to the sequel! :)
There were things I loved. The insta-love that was done just right for my tastes, the vampire lore was interesting, and I loved the special-power thing. Also, Alec and Cronin were hot together.
On the other hand, I was irked by some stuff too like how "Alec is a cop turned criminal" part of the plot was completely unnecessary and a bit forced, and how Alec was too accepting of everything paranormal.
While I enjoyed this book overall, and I'm looking forward to the sequel, this certainly isn't NR's best work.